
Monday, August 10, 2015

Young people prefer the Hybrid and Electric Cars

hybrid cars
Are you including prefer hybrid cars or electricity than conventional-engine cars? If the answer is no, then you belong to the minority. It was concluded by the Institute for Consultant and Audit, Deloitte, in the United States after making a survey of 1,500 car buyers in the United States, 250 people in China and 300 more on Western Europe from different generations, namely the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Generation X (1966-1976) and generation Y (1977-1994).

The results show, six out of ten participants choose to buy a hybrid or electric car. While more than half the vote with note, her energy is larger than usual. Only two percent are considering choosing a pure electric car.

In conclusion, the generation Y's pioneering career more leaning choosing hybrid cars or electricity. The reason, pressing the cost expenses. Things were disclosed also by Craig Giffi, Vice Chairman and leader of the Automotive, Deloitte. Generation Y will keep us from conventional-engine car and became a trend setter for hybrid or electric car.

Added, the conclusion could be materialized with the note, generation Y feel true advantage, durability and maintenance of hybrid cars. So far they have not been able to receive electric car technology, he added.

Currently there are 80 million consumers a generation Y that makes hybrid cars getting more and more popular.